Monday, February 15, 2010


tywanna just called me the worst grandma ever; i've just been stealing pictures from facebook and other people's blogs rather than taking my own, because i don't really like to take pictures... maybe i'll take a few next time i go out...

in any case, here are some more things that happened:

a few shots of us trying to listen again. tywanna looks like she has it for a second, but then it's gone (i never had it....[i try! i really do! donna vinter is a bubbling wellspring of knowledge, and i'm thirsty! i am, really! i just get distracted by things on the ground and things across the street])

and it's gone

we went on the London Eye on south bank which is the biggest ferris wheel i've ever been on with little glass footballs that you get inside and watch the view from the windows. it was nice to be able to see all of london in every direction. turns out it's really big...too bad i could only find a picture of the inside of the football...
Kyla and I don't even care.

...Still don't care!

prof. gadsby recapturing one of her sons on south bank.

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