Sunday, February 14, 2010

it happened like this

i missed the first few weeks of blogging because i was doing part of my winter term project.

here's what happened in photos:

kyla came and got me from the airport. because i flew business class (thanks mom n dad), they gave me a pink thing that meant i didn't have to stand in a line at customs or say anything to anybody i didn't feel like talking to or show them any documentation i didn't feel like showing them other than my absolutely amazing passport photo; and so i finished all that about 45 minutes before i was supposed to. unfortunately kyla only decided to arrive about 15 minutes early. my cell phone doesn't work here, and i couldn't figure out how to call her on the pay phone--turns out i'm NOT an idiot, but the pay phone doesn't make international calls and she still has her american number--i was alone and very scared and there were many south asian people waiting for their various relations. i heard someone's name called over the intercom system and decided i should have her hailed in the same way. then she found me and put me on that underground train system there.

the next day we went to picadilly circus. it's a lot like time's square. we weren't trying to take a picture of "sanyo" we were trying to take a picture in front of this statue. it's there i swear.

the next day my flatmates tywanna and kathleen (who i will often refer to as katleen [no h]) arrived. we go by many names, the most recent ones include "trouble on baker street", "destiny's child" (i'm beyonce, katleen is kelly and tywanna is michelle--tywanna said it was based on physical features, but clearly it's based on talent)
this is the house that virginia woolf lived in bloomsbury square, right around near my school: "although we lived in a square, we loved in triangles." yikes.
we also went to the tate museum of modern? art. i think it was modern. it wasn't the regular one. and there was andy warhol and giant cracks in the floor, so i'm thinking modern. but this is a picture of me and kyla on a balcony outside with a little st.paul's cathedral poking up between us. hi st. paul's cathedral!
then we went to southbank and saw some of the oldest stuff in london. i sat in an old ferryman's seat.

there were skaters and bikers rolling around in this arena, i had my picture taken next to one in action.

even though kyla looks like she's listening intently, she isn't.
i just really don't like valentine's day so i made katleen and kyla go to the musiq concert with me. he is incredible. unfortunately his set was preceded by Avant (which wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't an hour long, jeSUS) and Donnell Jones (which wouldn't have been so bad if he weren't just singing to a track. i mean, at least Avant had back up singers and a drummer). but then musiq came out and everything was right with the world.

by the way, have i mentioned how much i love back up singers? i hesitate to say it, but i think it may be true: sometimes i find them more interesting than the actual artist. i think i would like to be one.

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